Today we continue our weekly installment highlighting the best of the patent blogosphere from the past week. If there are any patent blogs you think should be highlighted by our Top 5, please comment on this post and we’ll check them out.
1) Deal Book: Research in Motion Projects a Quarterly Loss – In the midst of the mobile technology patent storm, this post highlights what could serve as the impetus behind another set of valuable patents hitting the marketplace: the financial decline of the BlackBerry manufacturer. As Research in Motion is set to announce its second-consecutive quarterly loss next month, this post notes the possibility of, “the licensing of BlackBerry software or “strategic business model alternatives,” an apparent reference to the possible sale of all or part of the company.”
2) IP Watchdog: PTO Proposes Changes to Implement Micro Entity Patent Fees – This post reports on the USPTO’s announcement of a proposed rule change in regards implementing the micro entity provision of the America Invents Act (AIA). The announcement with the Federal Register is titled “Changes to Implement Micro Entity Status for Paying Patent Fees”. The Office seeks written comments no later than July 30, 2012.
3) Patently-O: America’s First Patents – This guest post written by Michael Risch, Associate Professor of Law, Villanova University School of Law, discusses among other notions, that patents issued during the first 50 years of patenting in the United States would now be unpatentable and “the machine-or-transformation test, which allows a method patent only if the process involves a machine or transforms matter, has no basis in historic patenting practices.”
4) Forbes: What You Need To Know About Mobile Patent Wars – This Forbes article breaks down the ongoing mobile technology patent wars into concepts more understandable to those who aren’t technology gurus. This article considers what technology companies are fighting over, their reasons for fighting, the impact on consumers, and the bottom line of the patent wars.
5) PharmaPatents: Patent Reform Q & A – Courtenay Brinckerhoff, Foley & Lardner Partner and Practice Center contributor, posted on her blog the questions she received as a panelist at the AIPLA webinar, “Patent Prosecution Under The AIA.” This post provides answers to questions regarding the upcoming changes to the inventor oath/declaration requirements, the effective date of the “first-to-file” provisions, the citation of a U.S. application as of its foreign priority date, the citation of a U.S. application by the same inventor or owner, and the new grace period.
Tags: AIA, micro entity patent fees, mobile patent wars, Patent Reform, Research in Motion
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