Bilski v. Kappos: A Recap Before Decision Day



As the entire patent community waits with bated breath for the Bilski decision, it seems like the perfect time to recap the course of events that have brought us here.  Yesterday, IPWatchdog had a guest blogger, Robert M. Suarez, who did just that in his article, “Mr. Bilski Goes to Washington: An Abridged Guide.”  It is an excellent summary of the Bilski case.  

Before he offers his guide to the case, Suarez writes, “For all of the opinions, articles, and conjecture, all one need do is study the law and look at the precedents to know that anticipating how the Supreme Court will rule in a case is akin to trying to gaze into a crystal ball. So, what will be the future of business methods as patent-eligible subject matter? Will the machine-or-transformation test stand? What will be the fate of the Bilski patent? An educated guess is the best that one can hope for in this situation.” 

Well said Suarez!!

Once we actually have a decision from the Supreme Court, the fun really begins as we all attempt to make sense of the opinion. You can tune into PLI’s Hot Topic Briefing: Bilski v. Kappos: The Supreme Court Rules on Patentable Subject Matter where an expert panel will discuss the implications of what is almost certain to be a ground-breaking decision and what it may mean for your practice or your company.  The panel will include Scott M. Alter of Faegre & Benson LLP and Douglas R. Nemec of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, co-chairs of PLI’s 4th Annual Patent Law Institute, Gene Quinn, patent attorney blogger and a principal lecturer in the PLI Patent Bar Review course and John M. White, PLI’s Director of Patent Professional Development as they discuss the implications of this ground-breaking decision, and what it may mean for your practice or your company.

The tentative dates for the briefing are as follows:

  • If decision on Thursday, June 24, PLI program on June 28, 2010 from 1pm to 2:30pm
  • If decision on Monday, June 28, 2010, PLI program on June 30, 2010 or July 1, 2010 (to be announced) from 1pm to 2:30pm

As soon as we get the decision from the Supreme Court, I will update you as to the date and time of the briefing.

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