Trevor Carter, partner at Baker & Daniels and Practice Center Contributor, is chairing PLI’s program: The Joint Defense Group in Patent Litigation: Necessary Evil or Useful Asset?, scheduled for this Wednesday, July 14, 2010. The first hour of the program will be a presentation on key legal issues surrounding joint defense groups. This presentation will focus on the nuts and bolts of joint defense groups, including how to properly enter into joint defense relationships to protect privilege and other interests. The second hour will be a panel presentation focusing on practical aspects of joint defense groups. Counsel with significant experience litigating in and against joint defense groups will provide their perspective on how to efficiently work with joint defense opponents and co-defendants. Issues that will be addressed include conflicts, privilege, confidentiality, settlement concerns and strategy, hiring and use of experts, and working with customers and vendors who are not part of the lawsuit.
Michael A. Morin, partner at Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP and Samantha Weil, summer associate at Finnegan, Henderson, et. al, have prepared an article for the program titled: Hang Together or Hang Separately: The Common-Interest Privilege . Michael Morin will be speaking at the Joint Defense program on Wednesday.
Register here for The Joint Defense Group in Patent Litigation progam. If you are interested in this program, you may also be interested in registering for one or both of the other two Advanced Patent Litigation two-hour programs also presented on July 14. Click these links for more information about Venue Based Patent Litigation Strategies and Patent Damages in Flux?: Harmonizing Recent Federal Circuit Decisions with the Georgia-Pacific Factors.
Tags: Baker & Daniels LLP, Common-Interest Privilege, Farabow, Federal Circuit, Finnegan Henderson, Garrett & Dunner LLP, Georgia-Pacific Factors, Joint Defense Groups, Michael Morin, Patent Damages, Patent Litigation, Trevor Carter
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