Patent Reform Update: Will the House Pass America Invents Act?


The U.S. Senate passed its version of patent reform, S. 23, in March, and on April 14, the House Judiciary Committee advanced H.R. 1249, sending the revised legislation to the House floor for further debate and a vote on the long-awaited bill’s final passage. The  House vote is expected some time next week.

While the Obama Administration endorsed the latest patent reform proposal last week, saying it would strengthen patent rights and finally grant the USPTO the power to set its fee rates and spend the fees it collects; heads of the U.S. House of Representatives Budget and Appropriations committees said Tuesday that proposed patent reform legislation would give the agency too much power.  Just how this weeks developments will effect next week’s expected House vote remains to be seen.

Check out the following blogs, video and more on the latest Patent Reform news.

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