Here is the latest installment of Reexamination Requests from Scott Daniels, of Reexamination Alert and Practice Center Contributor…
A10 Networks may have set a record last week when it requested reexamination of 13 Brocade patents involving global servers (see ex parte Request Nos. (2)-(3), (5)-(8), (11)-(17)). The parties are in litigation over those patents in the Northern District of California.
Reexamination was requested against Lambda Optical Systems’ U.S. Patent No. 6,973,229 related to optical network systems (see ex parteRequest No. (9)). Lambda sued a number of network companies last year for infringement of the ‘229 patent, including Alcatel-Lucent,NEC, Fujitsu and Nokia-Siemens.
The following inter partes requests were filed:
(1) 95/001,669 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,945,498 entitled METHOD FOR FACILITATING CHEMICAL SUPPLIER TRANSACTIONS and owned by Supply Chain Connect, LLC. Filed June 29, 2011, by Quadrem Netherlands, B.V.; Quadrem U.S., Inc. The ‘498 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Hubwoo SA et al. al. Supply Chain Connect,, LLC,Case No. 11-cv-2272 (S.D. Tex); Hubwoo SA et al. v. Supply Chain Connect, LLC, Case No. 11-cv-2272 (S.D. Tex)(priority parent, USP 7,451,107); Transzap, Inc. v. Supply Chain Connect, LLC,Case No. 11-cv-01361-MSK (D. Colo.)(priority parent, USP 7,451,107); Supply Chain Connect, LLC v. Afton Chemical Co., et al, Case No. 11-cv-2191 (S..D. Tex.) (priority parent, USP 7,451,101); Supply Chain Connect, LLC v. BASF Co., et al., Case No. 11-cv-0513-UNA (D. Del.) (priority parent, USP 7,451,107).
(2) 95/001,670 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,482,992 entitled MULTIPLE ACCESS WIRELESS COMMUICATIONS ANTENNA APPARATUS and owned byBandspeed, Inc. Filed June 29, 2011.
(3) 95/001,671 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,553,672 entitled RANDOM ACCESS SLIDE STAINER WITH INDEPENDENT SLIDE HEATING REGULATION and owned by Dako Denmark A/S/. Filed June 29, 2011, by Leica Biosystems Melbourne Party Ltd. The ‘672 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Dako Denmark A/S v. Leica Microsystems (Case No. 1:11-cv-390-UNA (D. Del.)).
(4) 95/001,672 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,948, 945 entitled METHOD FOR FACILITATING CHEMICAL SUPPLIER TRANSACTIONS and owned by Supply Chain Connect, LLC. Filed June 30, 2011, by Elemica Inc. The ‘945 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Hubwoo SA et al. al. Supply Chain Connect,, LLC, Case No. 11-cv-2272 (S.D. Tex); Hubwoo SA et al. v. Supply Chain Connect, LLC, Case No. 11-cv-2272 (S.D. Tex)(priority parent, USP 7,451,107); Transzap, Inc. v. Supply Chain Connect, LLC, Case No. 11-cv-01361-MSK (D. Colo.)(priority parent, USP 7,451,107); Supply Chain Connect, LLC v. Afton Chemical Co., et al, Case No. 11-cv-2191 (S..D. Tex.) (priority parent, USP 7,451,101); Supply Chain Connect, LLC v. BASF Co., et al., Case No. 11-cv-0513-UNA (D. Del.) (priority parent, USP 7,451,107).
(5) 95/001,673 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,663,061 entitled HIGH PERFORMANCE DATA CABLE and owned by Filed June 30, 2011, by Superior Essex, LS Cable and System. The ‘061 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Belden Technologies v. LS Corp., (Case No. 2:10-cv-5476 (D.N.J.)).
The following ex parte requests were filed:
(1) 90/011,759 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,210,459 entitled SOIL NUTRIENT COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF USING SAME and owned by Specialty Fertilizer Products, LLC. Filed June 27, 2011.
(2) 90/011,760 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,899,899 entitled CONFIGURABLE GEOGRAPHIC PREFIXES FOR GLOBAL SERVER LOAD BALANCING and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘899 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(3) 90/011,761 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,756,965 entitled CONFIGURABLE GEOGRAPHIC PREFIXES FOR GLOBAL SERVER LOAD BALANCING and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘965 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(4) 90/011,762 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,510,299 entitled LED LIGHTING DEVICE FOR REPLACING FLOURESCENT TUBES and owned by Altair Engineering, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by Louis Ventre, Jr.
(5) 90/011,763 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,840,678 entitled HOST-LEVEL POLICIES FOR GLOBAL SERVER LOAD BALANCING and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘678 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styledBrocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(6) 90/011,764 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,574,508 entitled CANONICAL NAME (CNAME) HANDLING FOR GLOBAL SERVER LOAD BALANCING and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘508 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(7) 90/011,765 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,584,301 entitled HOST-LEVEL POLICIES FOR GLOBAL SERVER LOAD BALANCING and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘301 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styledBrocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(8) 90/011,766 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,657,629 entitled GLOBAL SERVER LOAD BALANCING and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘629 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(9) 90/011,767 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,973,229 entitled NODE ARCHITECTURE FOR MODULARIZED AND RECONFIGURABLE OPTICAL NETWORKS, AND METHODS AND APPARATUS THEREFOR and owned by Lambda Optical Systems Co. Filed June 27, 2011. The ‘229 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Lambda Optical v. Alcatel-Lucent et al. (Case No. 1:10-cv-487-UNA (D. Del.)).
(10) 90/011,768 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 5,772,560 entitled REORIENTING TREADMILL WITH LIFT ASSISTANCE owned by ICON, IP. Filed June 27, 2011.
(11) 90/011,769 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,774,833 entitled System and Method For Protecting CPU Against Remote Access Attacks and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘833 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styledBrocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(12) 90/011,770 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,581,009 entitled GLOBAL SERVER LOAD BALANCING and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘009 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(13) 90/011,771 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,558,195 entitled System and Method For Providing Network Route Redundancy Across Layer 2 Devices and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘195 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(14) 90/011,772 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,454,500 entitled GLOBAL SERVER LOAD BALANCING and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘500 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(15) 90/011,773 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,716,370 entitled Redundant Support For Network Address Translation (NAT) and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘370 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styledBrocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(16) 90/011,774 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,720,977 entitled Cookie Invalidation Or Expiration By a Switch and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘977 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.).
(17) 90/011,775 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,647,427 entitled REDUNDANT SUPPORT FOR NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATION (NAT) and owned by Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Filed June 27, 2011, by A10 Networks, Inc. The ‘427 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Brocade Comm. Sys., Inc. and Foundry Networks, LLC v. A10 Networks, Inc., et al., 10-cv-03428-LHK (N.D. Cal.)
(18) 90/011,776 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,741,877 entitled Device and Method for Determining Analyte Levels and owned by Dexcom, Inc. Filed June 29, 2011, byAbbott Diabetes Care.
(19) 90/011,777 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,805,785 entitled METHODS AND SYSTEMS OF AN ADJUSTABLE BED and owned by Dexcom, Inc. Filed June 29, 2011 by Abbott Diabetes Care.
(20) 90/011,778 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,452,966 entitled GLP-1 ANALOG FUSION PROTEINS and owned by Eli Lilly and Co. Filed June 30, 2011.
(21) 90/011,779 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,799,341 entitled FITTED CRIB SHEET and owned by Gerald Wootten. Filed June 30, 2011 by Owner.
(22) 90/011,780 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 4,985,921 entitled PORTABLE DATA CARRYING DEVICE and owned by Syspatronic. Filed June 30, 2011.
(23) 90/011,781 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,842,289 entitled RECOMBINANT NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULES, EXPRESSION CASSETTES, AND BACTERIA, AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF and owned by Aduro Biotech. Filed July 1, 2011.
(24) 90/011,782 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,182,219 entitled APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR AUTHENTICATING THE DISPATCH AND CONTENTS OF DOCUMENTS and owned by RMail. Filed July 1, 2011. The ‘219 patent is currently the subject of litigations styled RMail v. et al(Case No. 2:10-cv-258 (E.D. Tex.)); RMail v. Docusign (Case No. 2:11-cv-299 (E.D. Tex.)).
(25) 90/011,783 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,816,905 entitled METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING DYNAMIC HOSTED SERVICE MANAGEMENT ACROSS DISPARATE ACCOUNTS/SITES and owned by Galactic Computing Corp. Filed July 1, 2011.
(26) 90/011,784 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,693,993 entitled METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING DYNAMIC HOSTED SERVICE MANAGEMENT ACROSS DISPARATE ACCOUNTS/SITES and owned by Galactic Computing Corp. Filed July 1, 2011.
(27) 90/009,916 (paper filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,447,264 entitled MOVING-PICTURE TEMPORAL SCALABLE CODING METHOD, CODING APPARATUS, DECODING METHOD, DECODING APPARATUS, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM THEREFOR and owned byVictor Company of Japan, Ltd. Filed June 27, 2011.
Tags: Alcatel-Lucent, Brocade, Fujitsu, Lambda Optical Systems, NEC, Nokia-Siemens, Reexamination Requests
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