Patent Reform Update: Senate Voted To Invoke Cloture on Patent Reform


It was no surprise that the Senate voted to invoke cloture on the America Invents Act by 93-5 . The next step is a limited debate on the House Bill, H.R. 1249, and a final vote.   You can watch the Debate live today at 11:30AM.  Here are some reactions to yesterday’s Senate vote…

1. Senate Votes to Invoke Cloture on H.R. 1249 (Patent Docs)

2. Cloture Vote on Patent Reform Act; Public Collectively Reaches for Dictionary (Patent Baristas)

3. Senate Votes 93-5 to End Debate on Patent Reform, Vote Imminent (IPWatchdog)

4. Senate Backs Americs Invents Act 93-5 (Patents Post Grant)

5. Coons pleased with Senate’s vote to move patent reform bill forward (WGMD.COM)

6. Senate Vote Advances Patent Reform To Final Hurdle (Pharma Patents)

7. Some Hope for the Patent Reforms (PatentlyO)


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