President Obama’s signing of the America Invents Act on Friday, September 16th, has instigated an enormous amount of discussion in the patent community and rightly so. The new law contains several provisions that will become effective within days, as well as others that will require rulemaking and time to implement. Given the complexity of the legislation, I thought it would be helpful to search the web for analysis of the significant changes to U.S. Patent Law and how it will impact your patent practice.
1. America Invents Act Exercises “Con-Troll” Over Patent Litigation (IPWatchdog)
2. Patent Law Reform Update 2011 (COJK Law firm memo)
3. USPTO Post Grant Cheat Sheet (Patents Post Grant)
4. USPTO Fee Increase Effective September 26TH (Patent Law Practice Center)
5. Major reform of US patent law: the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (Association of Corp Counsel)
6. Guide to Leahy-Smith America Invents Act Implementation (Patent Baristas)
7. Patent Reform Effective Dates Cheat Sheet (Morrison Foerster Client Alert)
8. Patent Reform Introduces “First-Inventor-to-File” Law (JDSupra)
9. Traps for the Unwary Regarding Patent Claim Drafting and Definition of Prior Art Under Leahy Smith (IPWatchdog)
For more information on AIA check out PLI’s America Invents Act: How the New Law Impacts Your Clients and Your Patent Practice, in San Francisco and at PLI Online on Monday, September 26th. The faculty will discuss the realities of the new legislation and how the new law will immediately impact the patenting process for businesses and attorneys.
Tags: America Invents Act, Claim Drafting, Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, patent law reform, PLI, Post Grant Review, prior art, USPTO
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