Here is the latest installment of Reexamination Requests from Scott Daniels, of Reexamination Alert and Practice Center Contributor…
Apple has requested reexamination of two more VirnetX network protocol patents – U.S. Patent Nos. 7,418,504 and 7,921,211 (see inter partes Request Nos. (2) & (3)). VirnetX has sued Apple and several others for infringement of the ‘504 and ‘211 patents, as well as four other related patents. Three of the other VirnetX patents-in-suit are in reexamination, and a fourth emerged from reexamination earlier this year with the validity of its claims confirmed.
CSR Technology has requested reexamination of two Bandspeed patents claiming methods for selecting communications channels based on use, in products such as computers and mobile telephones. (see inter partes Request Nos. (5) & (6)). Bandspeed has sued 38 companies for infringement of the patents, among them Acer, Dell, HP, HTC, Kyocera, LG, RIM and Samsung.
The following inter partes requests were filed:
(2) 95/001,788 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,418,504 entitled AGILE NETWORK PROTOCOL FOR SECURE COMMUNICATIONS USING SECURE DOMAIN NAMES and owned by VirnetX, Inc. Filed October 18, 2011, by Apple Inc. The ‘504 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled VirnetX Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc., Apple, Inc., et al., (Case No. 10-cv-417 (E.D. Tex)).
(3) 95/001,789 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,921,211 entitled AGILE NETWORK PROTOCOL FOR SECURE COMMUNICATIONS USING SECURE DOMAIN NAMES and owned by VirnetX, Inc. Filed October 18, 2011, by Apple Inc. The ‘211 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled VirnetX Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc., Apple, Inc., et al., (Case No. 10-cv-417 (E.D. Tex)).
(4) 95/001,790 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 5,874,001 entitled GROUND WATER REMEDIATION METHOD and owned by Matrix Environmental Techs. Filed October 21, 2011. The ‘001 patent was the subject of a litigation styledMatrix Environmental Techs. v. Innovative Engineering Sols.(Case No. 1:11-cv-10709 (D. Mass.)).
(5) 95/000,647 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,570,614 entitled APPROACH FOR MANAGING COMMUNICATIONS CHANNELS BASED ON PERFORMANCE and owned by Bandspeed. Filed October 7, 2011, by CSR Techs. The ‘614 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styledBandspeed v. Acer et al. (Case No. 1:11-cv-771 (W.D. Tex.));Bandspeed v. Acer et al. (Case No. 2:10-cv-215 (E.D. Tex.));Bandspeed v. Sony et al. (Case No. 1:09-cv-593 (W.D. Tex.)).
(6) 95/000,648 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,027,418 entitled APPROACH FOR SELECTING COMMUNICATIONS CHANNELS BASED ON PERFORMANCE and owned by Bandspeed. Filed October 7, 2011, by CSR Techs. The ‘418 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styledBandspeed v. Acer et al. (Case No. 1:11-cv-771 (W.D. Tex.));Bandspeed v. Acer et al. (Case No. 2:10-cv-215 (E.D. Tex.));Bandspeed v. Sony et al. (Case No. 1:09-cv-593 (W.D. Tex.)).
The following ex parte requests were filed:
(1) 90/011,963 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,423,588 entitled PHASED ARRAY ANTENNA SYSTEM owned byPDS Electronics. Filed October 17, 2011.
(2) 90/011,964 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,037,543 entitled METHOD OF EXTENDING COLOR LIFE OF MODIFIED ATMOSPHERE PACKAGED FRESH RED MEAN USING LABIATE PLANT EXTRACTS and owned by Kalsec, Inc. Filed October 17, 2011.
(3) 90/011,965 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,704,452 entitled ALLOY AND ANODE FOR USE IN THE ELECTROWINNING OF METALS and owned by RSR Technologies, Inc. Filed October 18, 2011.
(4) 90/011,966 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 8,038,524 entitled GAMING MACHINE WITH BUY FEATURE GAMES and owned by Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Filed October 18, 2011.
(5) 90/011,967 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 5,725,676 entitled THERMALLY INHIBITED STARCHES AND FLOURS AND PROCESS FOR THEIR PRODUCTION and owned byBrunoB II B.V. Filed October 18, 2011.
(6) 90/011,968 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,221,420 entitled FOODS CONTAINING THERMALLY-INHIBITED STARCHES AND FLOURS and owned by BrunoB II B.V. Filed October 18, 2011.
(7) 90/011,969 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 5,932,017 entitled THERMALLY-INHIBITED NON-PREGELATINIZED GRANULAR STARCHES AND FLOURS AND PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION and owned by BrunoB II B.V. Filed October 18, 2011.
(8) 90/011,970 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,231,675 entitled THERMALLY-INHIBITED NON-PREGELATINIZED GRANULAR STARCHES AND FLOURS AND PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION and owned by BrunoB II B.V. Filed October 18, 2011.
(9) 90/011,971 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,950,701 entitled PIPE COUPLING HAVING MOVABLE GRIPPING BODIES and owned by Victaulic Co. Filed October 19, 2011, byShurjoint Piping Products, Inc.
(10) 90/011,972 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,934,770 entitled BICYCLE SEAT and owned by Tampa Bay Recreation, LLC. Filed October 19, 2011.
(11) 90/011,973 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,915,458 entitled METHOD OF AND DEVICE FOR INCREASING THE YIELD OF OIL PRODUCTION IN A PROCESS OF PRODUCING BIO-ETHANOL and owned by Flottwegg GMBH & Co. KGAA. Filed October 20, 2011.
(12) 90/011,974 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,754,400 entitled SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CREATION, PROCESSING AND VISUALIZATION OF OMNI-DIRECTIONAL IMAGES and owned by Tour Technology Systems, LLC. Filed October 20, 2011, by International VR Photography Association (IVRPA).
(13) 90/011,975 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,704,921 entitled PRODUCTION OF ACTIVATED CHAR USING HOT GAS and owned by Praxair Technology, Inc. Filed October 20, 2011. The ‘921 patent is currently the subject of Reexamination No. 95/000,556.
(14) 90/011,976 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,667,522 entitled STORE-AND-FORWARD PACKET RADIO SYSTEM AND METHOD and owned by Seesaw Foundation. Filed October 20, 2011.
(15) 90/011,977 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,343,271 entitled ELECTRONIC CREATION, SUBMISSION, ADJUDICATION, AND PAYMENT OF HEALTH INSURANCE CLAIMS and owned by PPS Data. Filed October 21, 2011.
(16) 90/011,978 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,366,647 entitled ALARM REPORT CALL REROUTER and owned by Unicon Monitoring, LLC. Filed October 21, 2011.
(17) 90/011,979 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6.069,614 entitled MAN MACHINE INTERFACE VIA DISPLAY PERIPHERAL and owned by Man Machine Interface Techs. Filed October 22, 2011.
(18) 90/009,949 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,914,586 entitled PROSTHETIC DEVICE UTILZING ELECTRIC VACUUM PUMP and owned by The Ohio Willow Wood Co. Filed October 7, 2011.
(19) 90/009,950 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,985,302 entitled MEDICAL IMPLEMENT CLEANING DEVICE and owned by Ivera Medical Corporation. Filed October 18, 2011, by Excelsior Medical Co.. The ‘302 patent is currently the subject of a litigation styled Ivera Medical Corporation v. Excelsior Medical Corporation (Case No. 11-cv-1115-H-JMA (S.D. Cal.)).
(20) 90/009,951 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,780,794 entitled MEDICAL IMPLEMENT CLEANING DEVICE and owned by Ivera Medical Corporation. Filed October 20, 2011.
(21) 90/009,952 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 6,834,703 entitled FLOATING PIVOT MOUNT FOR A FOLDING PANEL and owned by Centor Australia PTY. Filed October 5, 2011.
(22) 90/009,953 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. D634,501 entitled SHOPPING BASKET and owned bySuperbasket AS. Filed October 11, 2011.
Tags: Apple, Bandspeed, CSR Technology, ex parte requests, inter partes requests, Reexamination Requests, VirnetX
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