Top 5 Patent Law Blog Posts of the Week


Today we continue our weekly installment highlighting the best of the patent blogosphere from the past week. Highlights include the anticipated revisions to the Patent Bar, a conflict of interest for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Breyer, and an update from the USPTO’s collaborations in improving the patent system via open access.

1. IP Watchdog: PTO Updates Patent Bar Exam to Test AIA & Appeal Rules – The Patent Bar will change to reflect the new rules incarnated by the America Invents Act. This post outlines what new topics will be tested and how the USPTO has established a trend in making sure the exam is as up to date as possible. The new Patent Bar exam will debut January 31, 2012. For information regarding PLI’s Patent Bar Review (Jan. 11-15, 2012), click here.

2. Peer To Patent: Improving Patent Systems through Open Access– The USPTO hosted its Second Annual Prior Art Collaboration Conference in October 2011, and this post provides the proceedings that developed during the conference. Participants such as WIPO, the European Patent Office, the U.K. Intellectual Property Office, IP Australia, the Japan Patent Office, and the Korea Intellectual Property Office discussed ways in which the patent offices and the public could work together to improve access to prior art.

3. The Wall Street Journal: Justice Breyer’s Family Sells Nestle Stock to Resolve Case Conflict – As the SCOTUS hears Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories Inc., an issue other than whether companies may patent a procedure used in personalized medicine arose. Prometheus labs failed to disclose their being acquired by Nestle until the eve of the day oral arguments were to be heard. What’s the issue? As this article reports, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer had to sell his stock in Nestle in order to participate in the oral arguments.

4. Foss Patents: French court denies Samsung request for iPhone 4S ban – with copy and analysis of decision – The patent law case that has probably racked up the most travel miles is likely the matter between Apple and Samsung. This post details the most recent decision in the case, this time coming from the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, the first-instance court for all French patent lawsuits.

5. Patently-O: Summary of Mayo v. Prometheus Oral Argument -For a great summary of the big patent case of the week, check out this post by Patently-O guest author Jonas Anderson, Assistant Professor at American University Washington College of Law.

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