Patent Post-Grant Options – The New AIA Regime


Post-grant review proceedings of the USPTO were pursued in record number in 2011. In response, the America Invents Act introduced new options for patent reexamination such as Post-Grant Review, Inter Partes Review (formerly inter partes patent reexamination) Derivation, a special post-grant review for “business method” patents and Supplemental Examination. Whether your job requires management of a patent portfolio or advising clients in disputes that involve or may lead to patent litigation, the changes brought forth by the AIA are incredibly relevant.

PLI is responding to these changes by providing a seminar focused on these new patent post-grant options. On February 3rd, the seminar entitled “Post-Grant USPTO Proceedings 2012 – The New Patent Litigation” will be held at the New York PLI Center and online via a live webcast! Gain valuable practice insights concerning the new America Invents Act (AIA) post-grant USPTO proceedings directly from experienced practitioners on the program’s stellar faculty including:

Brian Hanlon, Director of the Office of Patent Legal Administration;

Irem Yucel, Director of the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU);

BPAI’s Chief Administrative Patent Judge James Donald Smith;

U.S. Chief Judge Garrett E. Brown and District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee; and

ITC Administrative Law Judge Theodore R. Essex 

To have USPTO officials and District Court judges explaining to you directly what a new law means and its potential impact is a rare and fantastic opportunity for anyone involved in the patent industry. Attendees will be able to take home the perspective of the judiciary as well as gain insight to the organization, operation and procedures of the USPTO’s Central Reexamination Unit.

The faculty will lead discussions such that attendees will leave with an understanding of the role of post-grant USPTO proceedings as a component of litigation strategy, including pre-trial and post-trial options, learn how to avoid common procedural traps, and learn the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various proceedings from both the patentee and third-party perspective. All this and you even earn 1 hour of ethics credit!

For more information regarding “Post-Grant USPTO Proceedings 2012 – The New Patent Litigation”, click here.

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