Next week: The Patent Law Institute!


Live from San Francisco, California, the 6th Annual Patent Law Institute is back with another round of discussions and panelists. On March 19th and 20th, PLI is providing a unique opportunity to sharpen your practice skills and to network with federal judges, USPTO officials, in-house counsel and outstanding outside patent lawyers.

The Institute has 6 plenary sessions of interest to all patent lawyers. Add your choice of 6 breakout sessions in 3 tracks specially designed for patent prosecutors, patent litigators and those focusing on strategic and transactional aspects of patent law.

If you can’t attend the Institute in person, we’ve added a webcast of the first day of the Patent Prosecution breakout track. Originally it was not webcast from New York City, however, Institute attendees said that the PTO information was too important not to webcast and archive, so we have created this special webcast for you! Check in with the Patent Law Practice Center for the live blog summary of the panel.

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