We are pleased to share the latest from our friends at PatentDocs.org, the Biotech and Pharma Patent Law and News Blog. The authors, Donald Zuhn and Kevin Noonan, are partners at McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff, LLP, and contribute to Patent Docs on a daily basis.
Today’s post is entitled, “USPTO News Briefs,” and it reports on the Office’s announcement of several AIA implementation dates. It also share the comments that have been posted in regards to the AIA’s implementation. The announcement was published on the USPTO’s website and provides a guideline of what can be expected in the upcoming months.
Here is an excerpt of the Patent Docs article:
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office recently updated its Leahy-Smith America Invents Act Implementation micro-site to announce several AIA implementation dates. On the micro-site, USPTO Patent Reform Coordinator Janet Gongola (at right) indicated that the Office will submit its genetic testing study to Congress (pursuant to § 27 of the AIA) on June 15; will issue a Federal Register notice making the Patent Ombudsman Program permanent in June or July; will issue three notices of proposed rulemaking on First-Inventor-to-File, Fee Setting, and Micro-entity provisions and one guidance document on the First-Inventor-to-File provisio in June or July; will open the Detroit satellite office on July 13; will issue final rules for the Inventor’s Oath/Declaration, Supplemental Examination, Preissuance Submissions, Citation of Patent Owner Statements, Post Grant Review, Inter Partes Review, and Covered Business Method Review provisions, the Technological Invention Definition, the Umbrella Administrative Trial Rules, and a trial practice guide for the administrative trials by August 16. Ms. Gongola also indicated that the Office was planning a roundtable discussion on its First-Inventor-to-File proposal in the late summer, and a second series of cross-country roadshows in the early fall to teach stakeholders about the final rules.
Tags: AIA, America Invents Act Implementation, Patent Docs, USPTO
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