Become a patent litigator in one easy step


There has never been a busier time to be a patent litigator, and if you have been thinking about what it takes to get started in this exciting practice area, look no further than PLI’s Fundamentals of Patent Litigation 2016, scheduled on April 19 in New York City and May 12 in San Francisco and via Live Webcast. This comprehensive program is perfect for those who want to add patent litigation to their litigation or patent prosecution practices.

Fundamentals of Patent Litigation 2016 will address key topics including:

  • Elements of a patent case and what to expect plaintiff-side and defendant-side
  • Overview of patent prosecution and changes to post-grant review
  • Claim construction and the all-important Markman hearing
  • Valuable practice tips – what can make or break a patent infringement case
  • Critical venue and forum issues, how the ITC fits in, and the timeline of a case

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