Reexamination Requests For the Weeks of October 18th and 25th
Here is the latest installment of Reexamination Requests from Scott M. Daniels, of Reeaxamination Alert and Practice Center Contributor which includes the requests for the weeks of October 18th and October 25th….
NVIDIA Attack on Rambus Patent Among Requests Filed the Week of October 18th
In their litigation/reexamination wars, Rambus and NVIDIA often look like two boxers trying to slug each other into submission. That was true last Wednesday. The same day that the PTO issued its Notice of Intent to issue a reexamination certificate, confirming the claims of Rambus’ U.S. Patent No. 6,715,020, NVIDIA requested another reexamination (Inter Partes Request No. 2 below). The ‘020 patent is just one of 17 patents that Rambus has accused NVIDIA of infringing in their case pending in the Central District of California. Five of those Rambus patents in litigation were the subject of a recently settled ITC investigation. The ‘020 patent is related to Rambus’ U.S. Patent No. 7,209,997, which is also part of the California litigation and the subject of two pending reexaminations. NVIDIA is now appealing the reexamination examiner’s decision to confirm the patentability of the ‘997 claims (95/000,471). (more…)
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11.2.10 | posts, Reexamination Requests | Stefanie Levine