Rocky Mountain IP Conference: Joint Infringement Update
R. David Donoghue, author of Chicago IP Litigation blog and Practice Center Contributor, recently attended the 9th Annual Rocky Mountain IP & Technology Institute. David will be writing several articles on the highlights from the Institute. The first two articles focused on the Judges panel wherein they discussed best practices in intellectual property litigation. In this article, David discusses Scott Alter‘s (of Faegre & Benson) presentation on joint and divided infringement.
One of the excellent sessions at the conference was Scott Alter’s presentation about the state and history of joint and divided infringement. Here are some of the highlights:
- BMC v. Paymentech (2007): This case involved method claims directed to separate parties — caller, debit processor & bank. The parties agreed that no single party performed each step. The Federal Circuit said Section 271 required one party to perform every step, unless one defendant played a “mastermind” role. BMC had argued that plaintiff just needed to show participation and combined actions. Court noted that patentee could have drafted the claims to apply to a single entity. (more…)
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06.20.11 | patent infringement, posts | Stefanie Levine