USPTO Plans National Roadshow on AIA Implementation

The United States Patent and Trademark Office will once again take to the road in the Fall of 2012 to discuss implementation of the America Invents Act (AIA). The USPTO is planning to host eight (8) roadshows during September 2012 to share information about new final rules implementing provisions of the America Invents Act that become effective on September 16, 2012. The Roadshows are free and open to the public, and pre-registration is not required. Nevertheless, seating will be limited and is available only on a first-come, first-served basis. The USPTO has posted the agenda
for these Roadshows on their website.

The USPTO will webcast the roadshows during the first week (from Minneapolis, Alexandria, and Los Angeles) and post videos of those events on the micro-site. Copies of any written materials will also be made available on the USPTO micro-site devoted to the AIA Roadshows.
While attorneys are certainly invited to attend these Roadshow presentations, no CLE credit is available for attending any Roadshow event.


Register Now for “Prior Art, Obviousness, and the America Invents Act in 2012”

Patent reform has arrived: what will be its impact on those touchstones of patentability, prior art and obviousness?  102 was already a complicated concept for patent practitioners, having undergone evolving interpretations in the PTO and CAFC.  How will the AIA now complicate matters further?  How does the concept of “prior art” and circumstance collide in the 21st century? How does prior art on the web impact the practice? What is truly enabled?

On June 4, 2012, PLI is hosting a seminar entitled, “Prior Art, Obviousness, and the America Invents Act in 2012.” This program will allow you to obtain an essential working understanding of this complicated statute, including recent re-interpretations, case law, and explore the statutory revisions.  Meanwhile, obviousness, the most common reason any application is rejected or patent held invalid, is changing as a result of KSR (already 5 years old). Explore 103 from inside and outside the PTO as both the CAFC and PTO try to shoehorn their past decisions into a KSR pigeonhole!

The program is geared to patent lawyers who have some familiarity with existing 35 USC Sections 102/103 and regularly work with the statute in either litigation or patent prosecution. The course will advance the knowledge of all attendees from their respective starting points and provide new insights into the statute, recent amendments, and case law. Seminar attendance includes course handbook and associated course materials. A downloadable course handbook will also be available several days prior to the program start for your review.

Don’t hesitate! Register for Prior Art, Obviousness, and the America Invents Act in 2012 here.

AIA Calls for Discovery, but PTO Doesn’t Really Know What that Entails

A recent law suit against the USPTO has brought to light an issue regarding the litigation process following the patent reform of the America Invents Act. The issue is that the USPTO has never provided for discovery in its review proceedings policies before, but within the AIA’s provisions for inter partes review and post-grant review there is a call for a discovery process.

The National Law Journal reports Cordis Corp., a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, sued the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and its director, David Kappos, based on the USPTO’s refusal to let Cordis subpoena companies challenging its patents in an inter partes re-examination. The USPTO stated its policy is not to allow discovery in these review proceedings.  The ultimate issue emerging from this suit goes beyond whether Cordis is entitled to subpoena certain parties.  Because the AIA reforms the law such that discovery must now be a part of the inter partes review process and the post-grant review process, the issue becomes bigger as it becomes clear that there has yet to be a standard for discovery within PTO proceedings and the number of litigation matters is due to increase.

With no precedent to follow, discovery guidelines have to be established either through years of law suits and proceedings until precedent becomes settled and proposed rules are enacted. Those of you that wish to express your concerns and comments regarding the discovery issue still have time to have your thoughts heard by the USPTO. According to the Federal Register, 37 CFR Part 42 [Docket No.: PTO–P–2011–0094], Practice Guide for Proposed Trial Rules, written comments must be received on or before April 9, 2012 to ensure consideration.

For more on the Cordis suit against the USPTO and Kappos, check out the National Law Journal article here.

The Best of the Post-Grant USPTO Proceedings Seminar

In case you missed it, PLI hosted a seminar entitled Post-Grant USPTO Proceedings 2012- The New Patent Litigation and the topics discussed by the day’s panelists proved to serve as both a refresher on the language of the new law as well as an enlightening course on what the developments in practice have and will become. If there was a trend throughout the day, it would be that patent professionals need to become familiarized with the changes in patent law in order to streamline their time and resources into more efficient patent applications and to facilitate  the litigation process. Requirements that had become common place in patent law are no longer on the books, but a patent practitioner would not know this unless they studied the America Invents Act provision by provision – or unless they attended PLI’s seminar.

To show you the range of topics that were discussed, here are some of the highlights from each panel of the seminar. The course handbook is still available, and the video recording of the entire seminar will be made available soon for On Demand viewing on the PLI website. (more…)

Chief Judge Rader to Speak at Patent Law Institute on All-Star Panel!

Patent law heavyweights will convene for what looks to be two very special days in New York City at PLI’s 6th Annual Patent Law Institute on February 16-17th.

 Chief Judge Randall Rader of the Federal Circuit will participate in an all-star dialogue panel between the bench and bar along with United States District Judge William Young and nationally-recognized expert practitioners Donald Dunner, Seth Waxman and Dean John Whealan of the George Washington University Law School.

Robert Stoll, who recently retired as Commissioner for Patents at the USPTO, is slated to open the program with a PTO keynote address. Commissioner Stoll is expected to report the latest developments regarding the PTO’s on-going implementation of the America Invents Act and other critical PTO developments.

Co-Chairs Scott M. Alter (Faegre Baker Daniels LLP), Douglas R. Nemec (Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP) and John M. White (Berenato & White; Director of Patent Professional Development, Practising Law Institute) will navigate attendees through 6 exciting plenary sessions that discuss the practice impacts of recent Supreme Court and Federal Circuit decisions, AIA changes, current critical patent issues from the corporate counsel perspective, views from the District Court bench, the never-ending PTO changes and for good measure, an hour of legal ethics credit! (more…)