Patent Reform Update: Senate to Vote on Patent Reform Today
Early this evening, the Senate will vote on a cloture motion to preclude further debate on H.R. 1249. The vote can be viewed on C-span. While there are differences with H.R. 1249 and S.23, (see Patent Reform, Close Enough For Government Work?) most notably concerns over fee diversion, the Senate intends to adopt the House bill. Check out below what the patent community is saying about tonight’s expected vote:
1. Patent Reform: Post Grant Review Musings (IPWatchdog)
2. Patent Reform: Final Countdown (Patents Post-Grant)
3. Congress Returns, Prepares To Fight Over Jobs, Tax Cuts, Patent Reform, Trade Deals, FAA Funding And More (People Unlike Us)
4. Patent Reform 2011 Survey Results ( PatentlyO)
5. Patent Reform Faces Final Hurdles in Senate (National Journal)
6. Senate Cloture Vote on H.R. 1249 Scheduled for Tuesday (Patent Docs)
7. Pressing the Patent Reform Panic Button ( Pharma Patents)
8. First To File v. First To Invent, By Abrams & Wagner (The Conglomerate)
9. Senate Set To Vote Yes On Patent Reform Bill (Law 360)
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09.6.11 | Patent Reform | Stefanie Levine