Supreme Court Rules that Business Methods May be Patentable

Guest Post by Trevor Carter (partner at  Baker & Daniels ,Practice Center Contributor and PLI Faculty Member) and Daniel M. Lechleiter ( associate at Baker & Daniels)

On June 28, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Bilski v. Kappos, an important case involving whether patent claims directed to so-called “business methods” are patentable under U.S. patent law.  The case involved a patent application that claimed a method of hedging against the risk of price changes in the energy market.  The claims described a series of steps instructing how to hedge risk, as well as the same concept embodied in a mathematical formula.  The U.S. Patent Office and all of the lower courts rejected the application as unpatentable, and, because it found that the claims pertain to an “abstract idea,” the Supreme Court agreed.

But, far short of providing clear guidance on how to determine whether a given business method is patentable, the Supreme Court provided high level guidance and left future case by case determinations to lower courts.  Thus, while the case makes clear that certain business methods can be patentable, with the exception of very general guidance found in the Patent Act and three of the Court’s prior decisions, it leaves wide open the question of how to distinguish patent-eligible business methods from ineligible ones.  This will undoubtedly lead to further litigation and legal experimentation in the lower courts, as they attempt to determine how and where to draw the line between patentable and unpatentable business methods. (more…)