New BPAI Appeal Rules Proposed

The following post comes from Scott A. McKeown, partner at Oblon Spivak, Practice Center Contributor and writer for Patents Post Grant.

Rules for Ex Parte Appeals to be Simplified

In recent years, the USPTO has advanced significant changes to the rules of practice for ex parte appeals to the Board of Patent Appeals & Interferences (BPAI). (previously proposed appeal rules). The past proposal was not exactly greeted with enthusiasm by stakeholders. In response, today’s Federal register includes a new, and much improved, ex parte appeals rule package. (here)

The new proposal, consistent with the spirit of Director Kappos’ administration to date, advances a refreshing change of pace. Previously the Office proposed increased formality and bureaucratic hurdles seemingly geared toward making USPTO appeal practice more burdensome and expensive to Applicants. The new rules, like many of the proposals of the Kappos regime, advance common sense solutions designed to simplify appeal. Yet, one of the proposed revisions could be used to frustrate the statutorily mandated special dispatch to be accorded ex parte patent reexaminations. (more…)