New Patent Bar is Coming: Get Prepared At Upcoming PLI Briefing

The Patent Office recently announced that there will be a major update of the material tested on the Patent Bar Exam in April. PLI has been preparing for this change for years already. In an one hour briefing scheduled for February 25, 2011, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm  (E.S.T.), John M. White, PLI’s Director of Patent Professional Development and chief lecturer of PLI’s Patent Bar Review, will share the critical information and strategies for taking the Patent Bar Exam.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • The new materials that will be tested on the Exam
  • PLI’s preparations to make sure that you’re up to speed with everything tested on the Exam
  • Strategies for taking the Exam into the foreseeable future

Mark your calendar and be sure to register for this free briefing!

**Please Note: CLE credit is not available for this program.