Reexamination Requests Filed Weeks of 5/16/11 And 5/23/11
Here is the latest installment of Reexamination Requests from Scott Daniels, of Reexamination Alert and Practice Center Contributor….
Apple Attack On MONKEYmedia Audiovisual Patent, Among The Reexamination Requests Filed Week Of May 16, 2011
Last December, Apple defended itself against MONKEYmedia’s patent infringement allegations in the Western District of Texas, by requesting reexamination of two of MM’s streaming media patents-in-suit. Applehas now sought reexamination of a third MM patent-in-suit (see inter partes Request No. (10)).
Reexamination was also requested by Xilinx for a circuits patent owned by Intellectual Ventures, but it is not clear from the PTO files whether the IV patent is the subject of any infringement litigation (see inter partes Request No. (8)).
And SemiLEDs Corporation has requested reexamination of a Group III nitride LED patent owned by Cree (see inter partes Request No. (7)). The companies are currently in litigation in the Middle District of North Carolina over that patent and four others. (more…)
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05.31.11 | Reexamination Requests | Stefanie Levine