Microsoft’s Renewed Challenge to i4i Patent is among Reexamination Requests Filed the Week of August 30th

Here is the latest  installment of Reexamination Requests from Scott M. Daniels, of Reeaxamination Alert and Practice Center Contributor which includes the requests for the week of August 30th…

Most notable among the new requests is one filed by Microsoft against i4i’s U.S. Patent No. 5,787,449 – that’s the famous XML patent that Microsoft was found to infringe last year.  Microsoft was enjoined and ordered to pay i4i $290 million.  A more detailed description of the case is in our posting Saturday on IPWatchdog.

Also quite interesting are requests filed by Public Patent Foundation (PPF) against eight Abbott patents for retroviral protease inhibiting compounds.  PPF is known for targeting pharmaceutical patents that it believes are contrary to the public interest.  Information for seven of the requests appears below; information for the eighth request is not yet available from the Patent Office.  Gene Quinn comments on these requests this week on IPWatchdog. (more…)