Reexamination Requests Filed The Weeks Of December 20th and 27th

Scott M Daniels, Westerman, Hattori, Daniels & Adrian, LLPHere is the latest  installment of Reexamination Requests from Scott Daniels, of Reexamination Alert and Practice Center Contributor….

Tivo Attack On AT&T Network Tracking Patent Among The Reexamination Requests Filed The Week of December 20th

Earlier this year, AT&T Intellectual Property sued TiVo for infringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,983,478 entitled “METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRACKING NETWORK USE.”  TiVo, which has enjoyed success in earlier reexaminations, has now requested reexamination of AT&T’s ‘478 patent (see Inter Partes Request No. (4)).

The following inter partes requests were filed:

(1)         95/001,514 (electronically filed) – U.S. Patent No. 7,754,023 entitled COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS USING A MICROORGANISM CONCENTRATE FOR PAINT OVERSPRAY REMOVAL PROCESSES and owned by PPG Industries Ohio.  Filed December 22, 2010. (more…)