Samsung Invents Bio-tech Chips for Pharma
When we look at Samsung as a part of the “Companies We Follow” series on, we normally see electronics, mobile devices, wireless technologies and a variety of processes and methods that relate to computers and the Internet. An interesting patent application of a different sort recently published to Samsung caught my attention.
The patent application is simply titled Bio-chip, and issued on June 12, 2014 as U.S. Patent Application No. 20140162908. It covers a method of performing multiple analytical tests on a single source of biomaterial. This bio-chip testing system has applications in the medical world, for quicker diagnosis of disease, as well as the cosmetic fields by providing a more cost-effective way to measure a product’s toxicity.
Biotechnologies present an intriguing area of development in a variety of consumer industries, from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics to medical services and more. One way in which the technological application of biological systems can be used to benefit society is through the rapid diagnosis of diseases, perhaps an area of innovation that one would normally not associate with Samsung. For pharmaceuticals and other industries, bio-chips and cell chips can help a manufacturer test their products for toxicity.
Top 5 Patent Law Blog Posts of the Week
Today we continue our weekly installment highlighting the best of the patent blogosphere from the past week. If there are any patent blogs you think should be highlighted by our Top 5, please comment on this post and we’ll check them out.
1) Patents Post-Grant: Supplemental Examination Rules Issued by USPTO – This post breaks down the USPTO’s Notice of Proposed Rule Making and how it outlines the procedures for conducting supplemental examination.
2) IP Watchdog: Business Methods by the Numbers: A Look Inside PTO Class 705 -As Gene Quinn explains, “The United States Patent Classification System is a system for organizing all U.S. patents into a smaller sub-collection of patents based on common subject matter. Each subject matter division includes a major component, which is called a class, and a minor component, which is called a subclass.” This post discusses Class 705, which is the generic class for innovations relating to business methods.
3) Patent Docs: The Medicines Company to Get Patent Term Extension – This post provides a breakdown of the settlement of litigation reached between the Medicines Company and APP Pharmaceuticals, and gives a detailed case background and procedural history explaining how the parties reached their final settlement.
4) The Tech Transfer Blog: New Pact Brings “Express” Licensing Concept to Sponsored Research Agreements – Binghamton University (my alma mater) developed what it is calling the Binghamton Express Square Terms or BEST Deal License, a nonexclusive, royalty-free license on patentable innovations that arise from sponsored research. This post explains how this express licensing is intended to benefit the sponsored research negotiating process while also establishing standards and predictability for its industry partners.
5) FOSS Patents: Samsung allowed to show Apple-Qualcomm contracts, letters and limited source code to foreign courts – This post details the impact of Samsung’s discovery request being granted in its case with Qualcomm and how the U.S. District Court came to its decision. The post also compares the Samsung-Qualcomm matter with the Apple-Qualcomm matter.
01.27.12 | posts, USPTO | Mark Dighton
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06.17.14 | Patent Issues | Gene Quinn