The America Invents Act of 2011: Reform or Regression?

As most of us in the patent community know, this week the Senate is debating the “Patent Reform Bill 2011” aka “The America Invents Act of 2011”.  Based on the information being circulated in the blogosphere, it appears Patent Reform is likely to be a reality.  Whether that is a good or bad thing is highly debatable.  I have compiled a list of blog posts from the last 48 hours that highlight what has occurred during the Senate debate thus far and what the various players have to say about the legislation.  In no particular order, here they are….

1.  Senate votes to strip down patent reform bill (Reuters)

2.  Senate debates patent reform as more voices weigh in (Washington Post)

3.  Patent Reform Gaining Steam, Debate Continues in U.S. Senate (IPWatchdog)

4.  Patent Reform – An Important Amendment to the Bill (Patently-O)

5.  Senate Votes on Two Patent Reform Amendments (Senatus)

6.  Patent Reform Amendments Introduced (via Patents Post Grant)

7.  Delivering innovation and jobs through patent reform (The Hill’s Congress Blog)