PLI’s 6th Annual Patent Law Institute

PLI’s 6th Annual Patent Law Institute is on February 15-16 in New York (and via web) and on March 19-20 in San Francisco.  The Institute is designed to be of ultimate practice value to all three subgroups in the patent law community:patent prosecutorspatent litigators, and strategic & transactional lawyers. The two-day schedule includes 6 plenary sessions of interest to all patent lawyers and a separate breakout track for prosecution, litigation and strategic/transactional lawyers. Each track features six sessions focused on each of those three practice subgroups. You design the 2-day schedule that best meets your professional needs.

Do not miss this unique opportunity to sharpen your practice skills and to network with federal judges, USPTO officials, in-house counsel and outstanding outside patent lawyers.

What you will learn

Plenary sessions include:

  • Keynote Address by Robert L. Stoll, Commissioner of Patents
  • A dialogue with Federal Circuit Chief Judge Randall R. Rader
  • Corporate counsel divulge critical issues that keep them awake at night
  • A distinguished panel of Judges from critical U.S. District Courts
  • The practice impact of recent Supreme Court and Federal Circuit decisions
  • Special Feature: Earn 1 hour of legal ethics credit

Click here for more information about the Patent Law Institute