Top 5 Patent Law Blog Posts of the Week
Today we continue our weekly installment highlighting the best of the patent blogosphere from the past week. If there are any patent blogs you think should be highlighted by our Top 5, please comment on this post and we’ll check them out.
1) Chicago IP Litigation Blog: Court Finds Claim Preamble Limiting – This post reports on the matter of The Metraflex Co. v. Flex-Hose Co., No. 10 C 302, Slip Op. (N.D. Ill. Sep. 8, 2011). It discusses how Judge Leinenweber construed the claims of the patent related to displaying a product selection on a website by highlighting the specific definitions reached upon by the court.
2) Patently-O: Federal Circuit Continues Split on Patentable Subject Matter – This post notes how the Federal Circuit decided in Myspace, Inc. v. GraphOn Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2012), once again not reaching a set standard regarding patentable subject matter. “The majority opinion here – penned by Judge Plager and joined by Judge Newman – argues that courts should avoid the metaphysical question of whether an invention is unpatentably abstract whenever possible and instead focus on the conditions of patentability found in §§ 102, 103, and 112 of the patent act.” (more…)
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03.9.12 | Federal Circuit Cases, posts | Mark Dighton