Recent Patents and the Story of Microsoft’s Xbox One
There have been reports that the Sony Playstation outsold the Microsoft Xbox One by a 2 to 1 margin, but TIME reports that these numbers really aren’t particularly honest or informative. The reports that the Playstation is outselling the Xbox One by a 2 to 1 margin come from a study, or at least observations, of sales leading up to Christmas on eBay. But online auction sales from a single retailer are hardly appropriate to gauge what really happened in the broader marketplace.
All that is known for now is that both the Sony Playstation and the Xbox One were in extremely high demand and sold out this holiday season. Both of these game consoles will be around for a while, and both have a long history and patent portfolio behind them. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the Xbox and some of the recent patents behind the device.
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12.31.13 | inventions, Patent Issues, posts | Gene Quinn