Reexamination Request Against MobileMedia Smart-Phone Patent, Among Those Filed Week Of 4/4/11

Here is the latest installment of Reexamination Requests from Scott Daniels, of Reexamination Alert and Practice Center Contributor….

An ex parte request has been filed – probably by HTC – against one ofMobileMedia Ideas’ 11 smart-phone patents that are the subject of its pending infringement litigation against HTC (see ex parte Request No. (2) for U.S. Patent No. 5,915,239).  MobileMedia obtained the ‘239 patent from Nokia Capital.  Reexamination was ordered last month (90/011,436) for one of the other MobileMedia patents-in-suit, U.S. Patent No. 6,253,075; reexaminations against the other nineMobileMedia patents might be pending as well.  MobileMedia has two parallel smart-phone infringement law suits pending, one against Apple, and one against RIM.

On the heels of its earlier requests against three XRPT patents, eBayrequested reexamination of two additional XPRT patents (see inter partes Request Nos. (2) & (3)).

Finally, Beckman Coulter requested reexamination of a GeneOhm Sciences Canada patent claiming a method for detection of certain methicillin-resistant bacteria (see inter partes Request No. (5)). (more…)