Patent Reform Update: Yays and Nays to Senate Passing America Invents Act


On Tuesday, the Senate voted 95-5 to pass the America Invents Act aka the Patent Reform Act.  According to the three main sponsors of the bill, senators Pat Leahy (D-VT), Charles Grassley (R-IA), and Jon Kyl (R-AZ), the main objective of this legislation is to eliminate the backlog of unexamined patents. Whether the amended S. 23 bill will accomplish that goal remains to be seen.  Will the House approve patent reform, either along the lines of the amended S.23 or something close to it is also questionable?  Here is what the blogosphere has to say about the America Invents Act and whether or not the House is likely to approve patent reform….

1.  Senate Passes Patent Overhaul In 95-5 Vote (Law 360)

2.   Senate Passes Bill to Change Patent System and Pricing (New York Times)

3.  Patent Reform Passed in Senate: House Likely to Introduce Bill this Month (PatentlyO)

4.  Leahy patent bill: Litigation, not innovation (via The Hill)

5.  Patent Reform Act clears the Senate (The Hill)

6.  Patent Reform Likely to Benefit Industry Giants More Than Start-Ups (GEN)

7.  Pharma and bio sectors applaud US patent reform (PharmaTimes)

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3 Responses to “Patent Reform Update: Yays and Nays to Senate Passing America Invents Act”

  1. […] Senate passes S. 23 (95-5) (Patent Docs) (IPBiz) (IP Whiteboard) (Patent Docs) (Inventive Step) (IP Spotlight) (Blawg IT) (Patents Post-Grant) (Patent Law Practice Center) […]

  2. patent_litigation says:

    Who would have believed it — patent reform has finally passed in one chamber. Given the momentum this issue has right now, I’d expect that some version of the bill will likely pass in the House soon, too. As usual, however, the devil will be in the details; though I can’t imagine much opposition to the fee diversion and fee-setting authority provisions, the first-to-file and post-grant issues may prove somewhat thorny.

  3. […] Senate passes S. 23 (95-5) / 美国参议院通过S.23专利改革法案  (Patent Docs) (IPBiz) (IP Whiteboard) (Patent Docs) (Inventive Step) (IP Spotlight) (Blawg IT) (Patents Post-Grant) (Patent Law Practice Center) […]

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